ChariTEA of the Quarter: Manchester Mind

ChariTEA Of The Quarter: Manchester Mind

What is ChariTEA?

We choose a new ChariTEA (Charity!) every quarter which is close to our hearts. They choose a blend that reflects them or what they support and we donate the profits of the blend to their cause!

For the quarter (January 2021 to March 2021) our chosen ChariTEA was Manchester Mind - who have been supporting better mental health for everyone for 30 years.

The tea they chose as their blend is Mowgli’s Fire Chai (please note this blend is not currently available). So every penny of profit from this blend from January to March was added to the proceeds from our first BB Book Club and we were able to donate £2669.48 to Manchester Mind


Manchester Mind

Collectively, our mental health has suffered, but if the months of lockdown and loss have taught us anything, it’s that few of us want to go back to exactly the way things were before.

In Mind’s recent survey of over 16,000 people, 60% of adults and 68% of young people said their mental health got worse during lockdown. We know that many have developed new mental health problems, and for some of us, existing mental health problems became worse.

Prioritising mental health has never been more important.

Manchester Mind’s have rapidly adjusted their services to be accessed from home, either by telephone or online. They continue to offer support to those who are already receiving help, but are also there for anyone who is experiencing a mental health issue for the first time.

In response to the crisis, Manchester Mind introduced two new listening services, for young people (15-25 years) and for adults who might be struggling with depression, social isolation, anxiety or other worries during lockdown.

For young people living in Manchester, they are offering 1-1 counselling, advice (benefits, work, housing, studies, financial concerns) and weekly virtual wellbeing café.

Additionally they provide free impartial advice for welfare rights/benefits, including Universal Credit, debt and housing advice for adults.

Since the start of lockdown, Good Mood Food and community project (Food for All) joined forces to offer emergency food provision and home deliveries to anyone in need across the city. Their adult Peer Support Project is also offering support through the phone buddy scheme and zoom groups until the groups can resume in person. 

Supporting local charities during the pandemic is vital, Manchester Mind has promoted better mental health for everyone for over 30 years, and continue to work exceptionally hard during the current crisis to provide information, advice and support for anyone in Manchester who is struggling with their mental health.

Find out more on their website:

Find Manchester Mind on their social media channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @manchester_mind


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