Loose Hot Mama Jama tea

Home Remedies for Sore Throat: Sore Throat Tea

There are some excellent teas for a sore throat out there, but you need to know the right ones.

Honey and lemon tea, as well as ginger tea, have long been considered amongst the best home remedies for sore throats, and cold congestion, too. Other teas good for sore throats are eucalyptus, echinacea, turmeric and chilli.

Believe it or not, chilli is a popular herb for fighting colds and flu and its warming attributes are what calm any swelling or soreness of the throat.

At Bird & Blend we have plenty of teas that will help sore throats: our Cold Weather Warrior and a ginger-packed Gingerbread Chai. Or how about a ginger beer tea? Any of these, with a squeeze of lemon and a dash of whisky or dollop of raw honey, will soother your sore throat in no time!

We also have a fantastic sore throat tea recipe featuring all the cold busting super ingredients. This easy sore throat tea recipe is enjoyed during the winter months by our local Brighton Gospel Choir to keep their vocal cords in tip top shape!

Sore Throat Tea Remedy: The Sore Throat Destoyer!

What You Need:

What To Do:

  1. Add 2 heaped teaspoons of Cold Weather Warrior Tea to your brewing device (teapot/IngenuiTEA/infuser). We love our Brewdini, the innovative no-mess and no-fuss brewer.
  2. Pour 80 degree water. (If you don’t have a fancy kettle just add a splash of cold water before you add the hot.) Brew for 4 minutes.
  3. Pour tea into cup, squeeze and add lemon slices.
  4. Add 1/2 tsp of turmeric to your tea and stir well. A spoon of honey stirred in is optional, but we highly recommend!

This is the ultimate sore throat tea. We've got plenty of other yummy and healthy recipes with honey.

Visit our online loose leaf tea shop to explore our hand-blended flavoured teas or check out some cold and flu remedies.

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